Havoc review (Sample Logic)


havoc_patchesHAVOC comes in a 2.5 GB downloadable Kontakt player library. It contains more than 800 instruments of various wood, metal, glass and other elements that you can find in the car garage. Yes you’ve read it correctly. This whole library was recorded (according to the developer) in a big car garage but being that this is Sample Logic you could never really tell since they morph sounds into something completely different in the end. And this is what I really like about their libraries. They are really creative when it comes to morphing sounds. So, what kind of instruments can you expect from this library?

Here is a list of various patches found in this library:
“Wood, plastic, metal, and glass are among the many organic materials used, twisted, and morphed into HAVOC. From saws and chains, to buckets and drills, anything and everything one would find inside a garage was recorded…” Read the full review.

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